A 6 week, group mini mind

for optimization over stigmatization


This mini mind was designed with late ADHD diagnosed women in mind; those who seek to develop resilience, emotional regulation, and actionable tools to partner their ADHD. To optimize their brain as opposed to shelve the parts they don’t like.


This mini mind was designed with late ADHD diagnosed women in mind; those who seek to develop resilience, emotional regulation, and actionable tools to partner their ADHD.

To optimize their brain as opposed to shelve the parts they don’t like.

In here we'll take a step back, before the tools/tricks/templates, to get into the soft adhd skills.

Get 1 or 2 real habits that will stick.

Rediscover what you want.

Surrender the shoulds, have tos, and gottas.

Find grace, forgiveness and radical acceptance of the robust, juicy you!

Hi, I'm Victoria,

a resilience coach;

with a little spice

I empower the neurodiverse, those sitting in the stuck-in-the-forks-in-the-road, to navigate from living in tension to living with intention; where they get to become who they're meant to be.

As a well traveled, well educated, recovering perfectionist peppered with neurodivergence, mixed race, a Catholic guilt upbringing, & generally being a Capricorn. I get it.

I tried & tried, with much inner resistance; to do as the good little girl is raised to do in a capitalist world. Show up, persevere, sit tight & quiet, silently judge, measured myself in 'shoulds' & achievement, forgot about filling my own cup...sound familiar?

Viki's Coaching Approach :: Reflection, Discussion, Learning + Tools, Shadow Work, Somatic Guidance

I have a knack for tangling myself up in a disserving web of limiting beliefs, old stories, masking, perfectionism and so much more. Let me paint the picture. Trying my hands at myriad career paths, escapist tendencies through constant backpacking travel, a Peace Corps rejection, have 2 incomplete masters programs, self perception as a quitter, low self esteem, wavering confidence, and so on and on.

Inevitably →

I found a different way thanks to my healing journey, catalyzed by receiving a late ADHD diagnosis, discovering breathwork, and leaning into to community.

It would be an honor and privilege to bring you with me on our collective journey of reclaiming our stories and expressing ourselves, because I believe, rising tides lift all ships.

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it - Goethe

The Nitty Gritty

Sometimes, it’s supportive to know that you have a group to tap into, regularly.

Most times, it’s nice to simply have easy access to something without all the complicated steps.

Every time, it’s delicious to cozy up into a community that wants to see you fully, hear you wholly, and simply be a pillar in your transformational journey.

We're creating your adhd sauce.

Here, you’ll find six live, interactive sessions where we will add a new ‘spice’ weekly, to curate our own ‘sauce.’

You’ll find a base through guided exercises, a peppering of shadow work, some diced up somatic practices, a little ‘hot seat coaching’ salt to taste; all to expand your resilience toolkit [or, cupboard in this case 😃 ].

The aim is to untangle feelings of overwhelm and step into your power with greater clarity and more self data, so that you can get back into the driver seat of your life.

This is a six week taste test for those that may have been burned before with coaching/coursing, those that like to test drive before they decide, those that are simply curious.

This may be offered again, but for now this is the only one of its kind offered for pocket sized time. It will be followed in 2025 with a six month, full community driven mastermind where we will delve much deeper in your sauce, your toolkit, and your partnership with adhd.

If this is feeling aligned for you, or someone you love, I can’t wait to get messy in the sandbox we create.


Great for you if...

  • You're a late adhd diagnosed woman
  • You'd like emotional regulation techniques
  • You'd appreciate a community to ride with
  • You'd like an overflowing resilience toolkit
  • You want exercises in self-discovery, somatic embodiment, & thoughtful reflections for shadow work
  • Resources and accountability

Not so great if...

  • You identify as a man
  • You're disinterested in group settings
  • You want serious structure & agendas
  • You're not willing to self reflect
  • You want quick fixes / believe you're broken
  • You’re unwilling to participate
  • You want therapy, advice, guidance
  • You want business or to network solely

What Ya Get


6 Weekly Sessions

Synchronous on Zoom


Grounding techniques

Resource Hub



Hot Seat Coaching Opps.

Private FB Community


Several, private body doubling sessions on FLOWN app


Actionable Tools

Community Connection

Embodiment techniques & reconnection

kind words

Click the small dots at the bottom of the photo to scroll through

Paper & Coins

Celebrating YOU for investing in yourself, something that is talked about more than it's acted upon!

This program has been professionally valued at $3K. I am a proponent of accessibility, equity and respect. With those in mind, please find two options for your convenience.

Nothing Happens

Unless a Decision is Made





In Two Payments


  • What does coaching really do? In a coaching partnership, we get to navigate the muddy, murky waters of self perception, mindset, beliefs, and innate stories. We do this because you have a desire to be somewhere different than where you currently are → to get there, a coach will compassionately hold up the mirror to your blindspots.
  • Why do I need this? There is power in the collective. There is untapped juice, resonance, impact, and fulfillment that comes from showing up in your wholeness + people bearing witness to that. Also, if you've been banging your head against a wall when it comes to more tools/hacks/tips/tricks with ADHD, then give this a shot. Where we create a more holistic perspective around ADHD and how to partner with it, as opposed to biohack it out of our atmosphere.
  • So ...what? Six weeks, six sessions with a Facebook community for the in between times.
  • What’s the rate? The rate really is $33, as it's a taste test!
  • What else do I get? Besides access to weekly group calls → a Notion hub, private body doubling sessions, the RezKit [free], and a private Facebook group.
  • Who will be there? Late adhd diagnosed women.
  • Okay, but how many humans? I’ll max it out at 22 women.


  • What does coaching really do? In a coaching partnership, we get to navigate the muddy, murky waters of self perception, mindset, beliefs, and innate stories. We do this because you have a desire to be somewhere different than where you currently are → to get there, a coach will compassionately hold up the mirror to your blindspots.
  • Why do I need this? There is power in the collective. There is untapped juice, resonance, impact, and fulfillment that comes from showing up in your wholeness + people bearing witness to that. Also, if you've been banging your head against a wall when it comes to more tools/hacks/tips/tricks with ADHD, then give this a shot. Where we create a more holistic perspective around ADHD and how to partner with it, as opposed to biohack it out of our atmosphere.
  • So ...what? Six weeks, six sessions with a Facebook community for the in between times.
  • What’s the rate? The rate really is $33, as it's a taste test!
  • What else do I get? Besides access to weekly group calls → a Notion hub, private body doubling sessions, the RezKit [free], and a private Facebook group.
  • Who will be there? Late adhd diagnosed women.
  • Okay, but how many humans? I’ll max it out at 22 women.

In an epidemic of lonliness, in an era of increased mental disease, in a time of rampant misdiagnoses & uncertainty, why not tap into the ancient wisdom that lies very simply, in community?

In an epidemic of lonliness, in an era of increased mental disease, in a time of rampant misdiagnoses & uncertainty, why not tap into the ancient wisdom that lies very simply, in community?

In an epidemic of lonliness, in an era of increased mental disease, in a time of rampant misdiagnoses & uncertainty, why not tap into the ancient wisdom that lies very simply, in community?

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